Want to Crash SUMMIT 2025?
We are now accepting applications for this year's Summit YP Crashers contest! This opportunity is available to a limited number of credit union employees who qualify as young professionals (age 40 and below).
This transformative opportunity provides future credit union leaders with a plethora of new connections, tools, and knowledge to bolster the credit union movement and make a measurable difference moving forward.
We're looking to bring together a group of YP Crashers who will receive complimentary conference and hotel registration to this year's Strategic Summit, on October 21-23, in Austin, Texas. Here, you’ll connect with CEOs, COOs, CFOs, and other passionate credit union professionals, hear from industry experts, network with peers, and much more! You will be asked to share your experience post-event via a social testimonial, brief interview or written content.
The deadline to apply is Friday, August 29. Winners will be announced on Friday, September 5.
2024 YP Crashers