Want to Crash SUMMIT 2024?

We are now accepting applications for this year's YP Crashers contest! This opportunity is available to a limited number of credit union employees who qualify as young professionals (age 40 and below).

This transformative opportunity provides future credit union leaders with a plethora of new connections, tools, and knowledge to bolster the credit union movement and make a measurable difference moving forward. 

We’re looking to bring together a group of YP Crashers who will receive complimentary conference and hotel registration to this year’s Strategic Summit, on October 7-9, in San Antonio, Texas. Here, you’ll connect with CEOs, COOs, CFOs, and other passionate credit union professionals, hear from industry experts, network with peers, and much more! You will be asked to share your experience post-event via a social testimonial, brief interview or written content.

The deadline to apply is August 16. YP Summit participants will be announced August 30. For more information, contact us